There are a great number of inventive strategies for using options in various ways and in various market conditions. Options can be bought and sold singly or combined with other options defined strategies. Our tool has some built in searches to help you find opportunities in a range of strategies and market approaches. Here is a screenshot showing some of the various strategies we’ve already programmed into the tool:
As you can see, our trade tool offers a number of strategies which might seem overwhelming to you right now. There is no need for worry. We’ll teach you about each strategy as we use it to make paper trades in class. Each strategy has its profit potential and each one also has a risk of loss. Approaching these strategies through the lens of your natural trading style will help you focus on those few strategies you should begin with. These strategies (and your natural trading style) is your home base. Start practicing with options using strategies and combinations that fit your style now. You can always cautiously expand into other probability profiles with their corresponding strategies, base winning percentages, and expected winning/losing streaks later after you’ve gained confidence in your natural style and have begun making consistently profitable trades.
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